Dvanásť zubných asistentiek absolvovalo už polovicu odbornej stáže Erasmus na Stomatologickej klinike v Štetíne. Čaká ich ešte týždeň objavovania svojho odboru, poľskej kultúry, histórie, architektúry, prírody.
Zubné asistentky pozdravujú z poľského Štetína
- 29
Aké bolo cestovanie?
SOČ 2023
Inšpirovať sa môžete aj rozhovorom s dnes už vysokoškoláčkami Kristínkou Polečovou a Michaelou Polákovou o práci SOČ a účasti v krajskom kole - Rozhovor [mp3, 13:43]
FIRST AID Global M2 / Poland
This year, for the second time, we participated in the First Aid Mobility project. We practiced our first aid knowledge, learned many new and interesting things about first aid, but at the same time we collected many great experiences, made new friendships and discovered the beauties of Polish nature. There was no time for boredom on mobility, thanks to a busy schedule full of interesting activities. The first day was dedicated to travel. Our journey began at the Sixinská Chapel in Zborov. From Zborov we moved to Dolne Kubin where we met the other half of our Slovak team. Our next trip was to Krakow. In Krakow, we met other students of this project and travelled together to Murzasichle where a hearty dinner was waiting for us. In the evenings, we divided into rooms and went to recharge our batteries for another day full of interesting activities. After a great breakfast on the second day, we threw ourselves into dating activities with a smile. The first three activities were devoted to us remembering the name of the other participants in the project, which was not easy in general. After this dating, an activity came to our attention that allowed us to get to know others. Each of the participants received a card on which there was a drawing. Each of us had to tell a story from his life that this drawing reminds him of, we learned very interesting things about ourselves and it helped us to remove shyness between us. After lunch, we started to get first aid, we repeated the things we learned during the first mobility. Subsequently, we split into groups in which we worked throughout the mobility. For the rest of the day, we devoted ourselves to the necessary CPR. The next day we started by taking pictures in our sweatshirts and T-shirts, which we received as a gift from the project organizers. After the photo shoot, we divided into our groups and went on a hike, we got a model situation that we had to document during our tour, such as, for example, first help with snake bites, first help with dehydration... after returning from the hike we had lunch and had time here to prepare posters about our hike. After finishing the posters, we all met in the common room where we presented our posters and then discussed them. On the third day of the morning, we devoted ourselves to theoretical activities focused on travel, we discussed what we should pay attention to when traveling and we showed ourselves various web pages that help us travel safely. Each group received the coordinates of the country about which they were looking for basic information. After lunch, we had another hike, but this time it was much more difficult. During the hike, we had a video in which we used information about the country, which we studied by lunchtime. After returning, we had a free program that we used to sleep, the next morning we had time to edit the videos. Once we finished the videos, it was time to show them to others. The videos were very nicely processed and we even had a good time watching them, after a great lunch it was time to get to know Poland and so we went to Zakopane where we had a free program, after returning we were waiting for a break. a night where we got to know the traditional sweets and drinks of the given countries, received wonderful gifts and got to know each other a little more. This evening was spent in the spirit of good mood, fun, dancing and singing. On the last day of our mobility, we discussed mental illnesses, each group was given a topic to make a poster about. We were given time to process the poster and then we all went over it together again. We learned a lot of interesting information. After the presentation of the projects, we had a free program that we devoted to packing and the last interview with the participants of this mobility. Saturday morning was quite sad as we had to say goodbye to the people with whom we spent a great week full of unforgettable experiences. We traveled home and remembered this great mobility with a smile on our faces.
Gabriela Tabačková
First Aid Global M2
V dňoch od 25. 9. 2022 do 1. 10. 2022 sa študentky 4.ZUA Gabriela Tabačková a Alžbeta Rypáková spolu s vyučujúcou Máriou Kuljovskou zúčastnili druhej mobility v rámci projektu First Aid Global, ktorá sa konala v Poľských Tatrách, v dedinke Murzasichle.
14Projekt FIRST AID GLOBAL je projekt, ktorý je podporený Európskou komisiou a participujú na ňom organizácie Thália Teatro (SK), Fundacja Mlodzi dla Europy (PL), High on life Chile (Čile) a Audele (Uruquaj). Je financovaný z programu Erasmus+ Európskou úniou.
Určený je pre ľudí 18 +, ktorí majú skúsenosti v práci s mládežou, pre ľudí aktívnych (učiteľov, pracujúcich, vychovávateľov, študentov,...), ktorí majú motiváciu zúčastniť sa celej dĺžky projektu. Pre ľudí, ktorí budú šíriť výsledok projektu, budú pokračovať v práci s mládežou, budú zdieľať s ostatnými skúsenosti získané počas projektu, budú vytvárať aktivity na báze predlekárskej prvej pomoci a sociálnej inklúzie.
Je to dlhodobý projekt, ktorého cieľom je neformálnym vzdelávaním a inovatívnymi metódami oboznámiť účastníkov s poskytovaním predlekárskej prvej pomoci pri život ohrozujúcich stavoch, cvičiť sa v zručnostiach pri poskytovaní tejto pomoci, naučiť sa orientovať v informáciách, v teréne geografickom, ale aj virtuálnom, spojiť kultúru európsku s latinskoamerickou, búrať rozdiely, cibriť si jazykové schopnosti, nadviazať spoluprácu, naučiť sa dôverovať ľuďom.
(PhDr. Mária Kuljovská)
Láska začína láskou
Študentky II.PSVB v rámci ošetrovateľskej starostlivosti navštívili Centrum sociálnych služieb Slniečko v Oščadnici. Oboznámili sa s prostredím, personálnym obsadením, materiálnym vybavením tohto zariadenia, ktoré bolo donedávna jedno z mála na Slovensku, ktoré poskytovalo takúto špecializovanú starostlivosť. Ale nielen toto zaujímalo budúce praktické sestry, na jednotlivých oddeleniach sa mohli oboznámiť s náročnosťou práce, ktorú dennodenne vykonáva zdravotnícky a sociálny personál. Že to nie je práca, ale poslanie, si uvedomila každá jedna študentka po návšteve tohto zariadenia. A ešte jedno, že zdravie vôbec nie je samozrejmosť, ale dar, o ktorý sa treba starať, chrániť si ho a ďakovať zaň.
8Poslaním CSS Slniečko je prostredníctvom domova sociálnych služieb, špecializovaného zariadenia a jedálne poskytovať odbornou, obslužnou a ďalšou činnosťou pomoc fyzickej osobe, odkázanej na pomoc inej fyzickej osoby z dôvodu jej ťažkého zdravotného postihnutia alebo nepriaznivého zdravotného stavu a fyzickej osobe, ktorá nemá zabezpečené podmienky na uspokojovanie základných životných potrieb alebo dovŕšila dôchodkový vek.
CSS Slniečko ponúka svoje služby už od roku 1985. Kapacita zariadenia je 105 miest, momentálne je plne obsadená prijímateľmi sociálnej služby.
(PhDr. Mária Kuljovská)